Refer a Young Person

Who should fill out this form?

Anyone can fill out this form if they are, have, or know a young person who they are worried about, or who they think Carlisle Youth Zone could help. We welcome referrals for both new and existing members.

You do not need to fill out this form to become a member – If you are just looking to sign up a new member, please visit our online membership form.

What will happen when I fill out this form?

When you fill out this form, the information will be reviewed by a member of our team, and passed on to the team member who we think will be able to assist in the most beneficial way. Assistance may just be pointing the young person in the direction of the appropriate club and some friendly faces in that club, or it could involve looking into accessing targeted support, for example, one to one mentoring.

You may have to scroll down within the form to see all questions and submit your response. On smaller devices (e.g. phones), a button may appear to open the form in a new tab – this is to ensure you get the best experience possible.

Carlisle Youth Zone CYZ is registered with the Fundraising Regulator

About Carlisle Youth zone

Carlisle Youth Zone is a safe and fun environment where the potential of young people is developed and fulfilled. We are open 6 night a week and during school holidays we run our successful Holiday Club.