Thank you for your interest in supporting us! Your support can help many young people have a fun and safe environment to meet friends, have fun, and realise their potential.
As a registered charity (1134974), we rely heavily on donations – both from businesses and individuals, as well as trusts & grants, and our amazing patrons.
All of our Founder Patrons, Patrons, friends, and sponsors (“supporters”) are invaluable to CYZ, without such support we simply would not be able to provide the services we do to the children and young people of North Cumbria.
Around 1500 children and young people use CYZ facilities each week. Like all Youth Zones, each entrant pays a flat rate nominal entrance fee of 50p; which clearly has to be supplemented by grants and critically income from our sponsors. As well as the types of facilities and activities you’d expect a Youth Club/facility to provide, CYZ provides critical well-being and emotional support, especially to the third of attendees who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Uniquely CYZ gets no financial support currently from any local authority or statutory agencies, notwithstanding that the services it provides amount effectively to social and wellbeing services to the community. CYZ specifically helps maintain practical life support systems (including food and hygiene) for some of the most disadvantaged children and improves the physical and mental fitness of attendees as well as reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
It’s not just your tangible financial support which is needed, but also your intangible support. You might find your employees want to get involved as mentors to young people, which can be fantastic for both parties. You might find your employees will adopt CYZ as their charity of choice for a half marathon or swim or walk or perhaps as a charity of the year. You might make a donation to CYZ in lieu of sending Christmas cards and so on.
How can I help?
For more information on anything to do with Fundraising please contact Emma Rogerson on 01228 516280, or email, or contact one of our Ambassadors.

Activities for young people
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Volunteer with Carlisle Youth Zone
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