Get a Future
On Monday 11 November 2019 we were completely blown away at how amazing the team in the Sports Cafe at Center Parcs UK Centre Parcs Whinfell Forest were at accommodating a group of young people involved in the Cafe Enterprise Project for a work place visit. From demonstrations, assembling and working a pass in the commercial kitchen... Read more »
Social Development Project
Huge well done to this awesome lot on completion of the social development project. The group went off on work place visits gaining valuable insight into various industries. With thanks to The Cumberland Kingmoor Park Cumbria County Council Cubby Construction Asda for providing such opportunities to young people. #GetaFuture
Senior visit to Bush Theatre London
On Wednesday 24th July 2019 senior members traveled to London to visit the Bush Theatre to see strange fruit. They had also completed a two day drama workshop – well done guys. It’s with thanks to Hello Future for providing such an opportunity. Thank you! We hope everyone’s having a fab time.
CYZ Boardroom Project
The CBS board room project is a collaboration between CYZ & the The Cumberland In which young people plan and deliver a social enterprise project. The project will help young people improve self confidence and develop a range of employability skills. A massive shout out to the group for tonight’s brain storming efforts and to Becky... Read more »
CYZ visit Cubby Construction
Today, Wednesday 29 May 2019, some of our young people got to visit Cubby Construction’s joinery department, the visit is the beginning of a one year collaboration between CYZ members and the building firm. The project is set to expose young people to the industry in a bid to raise aspirations, and help young people... Read more »
CBS Boardroom Project
Massive shout out to Becky & team at The Cumberland Friday 3 May saw the launch of the CBS Board Room Project, aimed at developing design, production & marketing skills, improving self confidence and employability skills of young people. Young people felt the part in the CBS board room, brain storming ideas. #Projectinthepipeline #SocialEnterprise #CBS #CYZ #RaisingAspirations#BringingBusinessandyoungpeopletogether